Core Evolution®

Living the Pulsation of Life

Integrate Your Past • Be in the Present • Shape Your Future

International Institute for Core Evolution® and CoreSoma®
Directors: Siegmar Gerken PhD, ECP, HP and Cornelia Gerken CMP, ECP, HP

In our En­ergy, Love and Con­scious­ness Pro­grams we teach proven prac­tic­al ap­proaches to sup­port your cre­ativ­ity and to nour­ish your spir­it:

• Sup­port your own Ground of Being with con­scious breath­ing, prac­ti­cing Mind­ful­ness, em­bra­cing your feel­ings and So­mat­ic Aware­ness*;

• Do your pre­ferred move­ments - from Yoga, QiGong, TaiChi and many oth­ers or use your own tools and fit­ness tech­niques;

• Keep your body in the flow; if you danced be­fore, prac­tice your dance move­ments or move in your own ca­pa­city from au­then­t­ic move­ment to ex­pres­sion of ec­stasy and enjoy the ac­tiv­ated alive­ness;

• Listen to music or make music - there are now so many on­line courses and you may use this open space to learn an in­stru­ment you al­ways wanted to play; feel en­cour­aged to sing; feel the vi­bra­tion of your own sound;

• If you are close to nature, cher­ish nature. If you are in the city, plant a seed and see it grow - you don’t need to be a garden­er to plant a seed;

• In­volve chil­dren that live with you and / or sup­port them in their own cre­ativ­ity; even in hard times you find mo­ments to smile, laugh and play;

• Zoom-Meet­ings with friends or fam­ily mem­bers are the next best op­tion, when you can­not in­vite them over, be­cause you want to pro­tect yourselves and oth­ers;

• Help eld­ers to also com­mu­nic­ate with free on­line media, in­clude them in your con­tacts;

• Go bey­ond the daily news, and shift to other mean­ing­ful per­son­al top­ics in life;

• Ex­press your grat­it­ude for the love and sup­port you have re­ceived and prac­tice Self-Re­cog­ni­tion and Self-Love for what you have cre­ated;

• Nour­ish your in­spir­a­tion and vis­ion for what you still want to cre­ate - give your life a per­spect­ive - since every crisis will pass…..

• Practice em­pathy and com­pas­sion.

In this way we can meet situ­ations in life that could have the po­ten­tial for trau­mat­iz­a­tion with our con­scious flow of life - let­ting you feel and know, that Lock-Down does not mean Shut-Down!

Contin­ue adding to this list of en­cour­age­ments and pos­it­ive en­hance­ments - con­trib­ute from your own ex­per­i­ences and let us cel­eb­rate our in­ter­con­nec­ted­ness and focus on our in­di­vidu­al, so­cial and col­lect­ive well­being!

We have the in­tel­li­gence, know­ledge, cre­ativ­ity and re­sources to over­come this present chal­lenge that threatens our health and lives. We have come so far. So let us stay aware and prac­tice glob­al cit­izen­ship, giv­ing love, care and re­spons­ib­il­ity to ourselves and oth­ers - know­ing, that we can only over­come this pan­dem­ic and the many chal­len­ging glob­al ques­tions to­geth­er.

We thank you for being of sup­port in this jour­ney of life.