Core Evolution®

Living the Pulsation of Life

Integrate Your Past • Be in the Present • Shape Your Future

International Institute for Core Evolution® and CoreSoma®
Directors: Siegmar Gerken PhD, ECP, HP and Cornelia Gerken CMP, ECP, HP

About us

Who we are

We un­der­stand our com­mit­ment and work of over 40 years in CORE EVOLUTION® as a con­tri­bu­tion to an emo­tion­ally in­teg­rated, peace­ful so­ci­ety.

In our work with in­di­vidu­als, couples and groups, pro­fes­sion­al train­ings, or­gan­iz­a­tion­al con­sult­ing, con­flict res­ol­u­tion and per­son­al heal­ing, we fa­cil­it­ate a deep­er un­der­stand­ing of our present-day life is­sues to raise the con­scious­ness and qual­ity of life.

We search to touch the es­sence of a per­son with com­pet­ence, love and joy, sup­port­ing the full po­ten­tial to be real­ized.

With over 40 years of teach­ing ex­per­i­ence, we are pi­on­eers in the field of In­teg­rat­ive Body-Ori­en­ted and Mind­ful­ness-Centered Ther­apy, So­mat­ic, Hu­man­ist­ic, Post­ive and Transper­son­al Psy­cho­logy, with ex­pan­ded stud­ies in psy­cho­dy­nam­ics and be­ha­vi­or­al ap­proaches. Our teach­ing is at the cut­ting edge of con­scious­ness re­search in the spec­trum of sci­ence and spir­itu­al­ity and the ap­plic­a­tion in life and work.

Siegmar Gerken, PHD, ECP, HP (Psy​cho​ther­​apy) stud​ied psy​cho​­­logy, edu​ca​­­tion and an­­​­­thro​­­po​­­logy. He taught on the fac​ulty of the JFK University So​mat​ic Psy​cho​­­logy De​­­part​­­ment, the Santa Bar​bara Gradu​ate In​sti­­tute, the Esalen In​sti​­­tute, and the Be​ha​vi​or​al Ther­­​apy Train​ing In​sti​­­tute in Ham​burg. 

From learn­ing and teach­ing with John C. Pi­er­rakos, MD for nearly 20 years (until 2001), meet­ing Jiddu Krish­namurti and David Bohm, prac­ti­cing Zen and ex­plor­ing many other realms of con­scious­ness, Dr. Gerken has al­ways been in­ter­ested in build­ing bridges between Psy­cho­logy and Spir­itu­al­ity, En­vir­on­ment, Per­son­al­ity and Eco-Psy­cho­logy, Science, Medi­cine, Heal­ing and the subtle di­men­sions of life.

He now teaches at uni​ver­­​s­it​ies and private in­­​sti​­­tutes world​wide, on the in­­​ter­­​­­con­­​nec​ted​­­ness of psy­cho​so​mat​ic pro​­­cesses as they man­i​fest on the levels of body, emo​­­tions, mind, will and con­­​s­­cious​­­ness. For al­­most 15 years, Dr. Gerken also led Change Man­age­­ment work­shops at the Nor­we­­gi­an De­fense University Col­lege.  

His re​search in human en­­​ergy field doc​u​­­ment​a​­­tion with Prof. F. Popp on psy​cho-emo​­­tion​al states of our Body-MInd Field, opened new ho​ri​zons to sci​ent​ists and prac­­​ti​­­tion​ers. He is co-founder of the Scien­ti­f​ic Com​mit​tee of the EABP. Dr. Gerken is a lec​turer, ther­­​ap­i​st, train​er and su​per­­​visor.

• Siegmar co-foun­ded the ther­apy and con­sult­ing In­ter­na­tion­al Train­ing In­sti­tute of Core Evolu­tion® and CoreSo­ma® with his wife Cor­ne­lia;
• es­tab­lished the spe­cial­ized Core Evolu­tion Trauma Train­ing­s™– ad­dress­ing the in­teg­ra­tion of un­re­solved stress pat­terns and Devel­op­ment­al-, Shock-, Fam­ily-, Gen­er­a­tion­al- and Col­lect­ive Trauma;
• and cre­ated the In­ter­na­tion­al In­sti­tute for En­ergy & Con­scious­ness® for ap­plied Mind­ful­ness in Psy­cho­logy, Spir­itu­al­ity and Science, which also in­cludes the:
- Man­age­ment teach­ing in Author­ity and Lead­er­ship and the
- Love and Con­scious­ness pro­grams, con­nect­ing with the Essence with­in and the Know­ledge of the lar­ger Ex­ist­ence.

Siegmar: “I ex­per­i­ence Love as the res­on­ance with the flow of life. There­fore I work to real​­ize my lifelong vis​ion to fa­cil­it­ate light in this world, es­​pe​­cially in my work with people, so that they can find real­iz­a­tion and ful­fill­ment.”

Cor­ne­lia Gerken, CMP, ECP, HP (Psy­cho­ther­apy) com­pleted her uni­ver­sity stud­ies in Göt­tin­gen, Ger­many with a de­gree in edu­ca­tion and fur­ther stud­ies in psy­cho­logy. Cor­ne­lia in­teg­rates dif­fer­ent psycho­so­mat­ic and psy­cho-spir­itu­al ap­proaches. She de­veloped her own syn­thes­is, CoreSoma, which looks at so­mat­ic real­ity as the found­a­tion of our lives. In her work she shares her com­pas­sion and joy for life, bring­ing a deep pres­ence of the fem­in­ine. Cor­ne­lia is also a dan­cer and artist. With her hus­band she is the Co-Founder and Co-Dir­ect­or of the In­ter­na­tion­al In­sti­tute of CoreE­volu­tion and CoreSoma and the In­ter­na­tion­al In­sti­tute for En­ergy & Con­scious­ness. Cor­ne­lia & Siegmar have been mar­ried for over 40 years and have three adult chil­dren.
Cor­ne­lia is es­pe­cially known for her wo­men’s work­shops: Em­power­ment • Free­dom • Ma­tur­ity, her Awaken Your Body-Dream-Pro­cess™ and her teach­ing series in the spe­cial­ized pro­gram of CoreSoma®.

Cor­ne­lia: Love is the only ther­apy; the only truth. Love is what we are.

If you want to deep­en your search or dis­cov­ery in life, want to find more cre­at­ive an­swers and dy­nam­ic in­teg­ra­tion for ques­tions or de­cision-mak­ing pro­cesses con­cern­ing your qual­ity of life, we offer our guid­ance, care, com­pet­ence and love for life in our work­shops and train­ings, and in Per­son­al In­tens­ives in our prac­tice, as well as every­where we teach in­ter­na­tion­ally, on­line or by phone.

Glob­al peace and in­di­vidu­al joy,

Cor­ne­lia & Siegmar Gerken