Core Evolution®

Living the Pulsation of Life

Integrate Your Past • Be in the Present • Shape Your Future

International Institute for Core Evolution® and CoreSoma®
Directors: Siegmar Gerken PhD, ECP, HP and Cornelia Gerken CMP, ECP, HP

Ways to work with us

Individual Intensives

Re­claim­ing Your Power and In­ten­tion in Life!

People ask: Can you really deeply ex­plore and work through body-ori­ented, per­son­al top­ics on­line? In the ses­sion, then they real­ize how clear, re­ward­ing and in­sight­ful our work is; in per­son and on­line.

Top­ics you may want to ex­plore:

Per­son­al­ity de­vel­op­ment: How do I stand in life? Do I real­ize my po­ten­tial? How do I limit my­self?
Rela­tion­ship: How do I feel my­self, in part­ner­ship and with oth­ers?  
Loss and re­new­al: How to deal with the pain of loss or the state of aban­don­ment? How to keep the spir­it and in­ten­tion in life?
Oc­cu­pa­tion: Do I feel 'called' to what I do? How can I deep­en my qual­it­ies or take new, cre­at­ive paths?
Trau­mat­ic ex­per­i­ences: Ap­proaches to deal­ing with and in­teg­rat­ing trau­mat­ic ex­per­i­ences.
Health: acute or chron­ic situ­ations, psycho­so­mat­ic and life cir­cum­stances, ac­tiv­a­tion of heal­ing power.
A Spir­itu­al Crisis is al­ways also a per­son­al crisis - a con­flict with the flow of vi­tal­ity and joy of life.
And many other top­ics for which you may look for more solu­tions, in­teg­ra­tion and heal­ing.

Siegmar’s dec­ades of ex­per­i­ence, prac­tice and open-minded search in life, as well as meet­ings with sci­ent­ists, prac­ti­tion­ers, con­scious­ness teach­ers from around the world, and the ul­ti­mate valu­able ex­change with cli­ents, al­lows him to unify many as­pects of ther­apy and heal­ing; bridging an­cient know­ledge and stay­ing at the cut­ting edge of sci­ence - while main­tain­ing the focus on the Pulsa­tion of Life.

How do In­di­vidu­al Sessons look like?

Core Evolu­tion is an in­teg­rat­ive, ex­per­i­en­tial, body-ori­ented and mind­ful­ness-centered ap­proach and with our long­stand­ing pro­fes­sion­al ex­pert­ise we have the com­pet­ence and free­dom to not be fix­ated in a tech­nique / fixed in one ap­proach.

We cre­ate the ex­per­i­en­tial set­ting with what your needs are. You let us know, what you would like to ex­plore, dis­cov­er, find an­swers for your ques­tions in life and what you would like to work with. We sit, talk, in­quire. We take your path of life and all your life ex­per­i­ences (from joy to trauma) into ac­count. We may also move, ex­er­cise, role play, con­stel­late, look at dreams, in­vite you to ex­press and voice feel­ings that may come up in all ranges from fear, anger to a deep sense of love - all this has room in the safe con­tain­er and pres­ence that we cre­ate in our work.

In a mind­ful ex­plor­at­ive way we will in­vite you to ex­pand phys­ic­al, emo­tion­al or con­cep­tu­al lim­it­a­tions to see great­er per­spect­ives in life and to honor your es­sen­tial qual­it­ies, res­ult­ing in a nat­ur­al un­fold­ing self-em­power­ment and em­bod­ied pres­ence. The Practice in Being then so­lid­i­fies the in­sight and sup­ports you to bring these in­sights into your per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al life.

Be­fore any In­tens­ive we have an ini­tial phone or Skype com­mu­nic­a­tion.

Most Per­son­al In­tens­ives take part in Men­do­cino, Cali­for­nia. Men­do­cino is an idyll­ic artist vil­lage on the Pa­cific Coast, 3 hours North of San Fran­cisco. It is a treat to hike under the red­woods, re­ju­ven­ate with the pulsa­tion of the ocean, roam the art gal­ler­ies or nour­ish your­self in the award win­ning res­taur­ants.

Fur­ther Per­son­al In­tens­ives are sched­uled dur­ing the year at loc­a­tions where we teach.

Please look up our Cal­en­dar of Events or in­quire.

Per­son­al In­tens­ives are of course also sched­uled by phone and via Zoom. Please in­quire for schedul­ing: In­fo@CoreE­volu­