Core Evolution®

Die Pulsation des Lebens leben

Die Vergangenheit integrieren • Im Jetzt leben • Die Zukunft mitgestalten

Internationales Institut für Core Evolution® und CoreSoma®
Leitung: Siegmar Gerken PhD, ECP, HP und Cornelia Gerken CMP, ECP, HP



  • The Body of Being and Be­co­ming Core Evo­lu­ti­on in Theo­ry and Prac­ti­ce (forth­co­ming)
    Syn­the­sis Ver­lag, Essen, Ger­ma­ny and Core Evo­lu­ti­on Pub­lis­hing, Men­do­ci­no, Ca­li­for­nia.
  • Trans­per­so­nal Di­men­si­ons of Em­bo­di­ment: Ex­pan­ding our Realm of Con­s­cious­ness and our The­ra­peu­tic Approach. (2017)
    in Me­ta­mor­pho­sis: Dis-In­te­gra­ti­on, Re-In­te­gra­ti­on, Con­s­cious Li­ving, Trans­per­so­nal Per­spec­ti­ves from Theo­ry, Prac­ti­ce and Re­se­arch. Cam­bridge Schol­ars Pub­lis­hing.
  • Röh­richt, MD, FRCP­sych, Frank, Sieg­mar Ger­ken, PhD, Mau­ri­zio Stu­pig­gia, and Joop Val­star, PhD. "Se­lec­ted Treat­ment Op­ti­ons for An­xie­ty in Al­ter­na­ti­ve and Com­ple­men­ta­ry The­ra­pies."
    Jour­nal of Al­ter­na­ti­ve and Com­ple­men­ta­ry The­ra­pies (2013): vo­lu­me 19 no. 6 Dec. 2013.
  • Die psy­cho­so­ma­ti­sche Ein­heit des Men­schen - eine Fall­stu­die
    Ener­gie & Cha­rak­ter (2011), Band 35.
  • The Body is the Past, Pre­sent and the Fu­ture
    Body Psy­cho­the­ra­py Con­gress: Psi­co­te­ra­pia Cor­po­ral, Ve­ne­zue­la, Oc­to­ber 2011.
  • De­ve­lo­ping Body-Mind-Ori­en­ted Trai­nings for Os­teo­paths, 2010 to pre­sent
    C.R.O.M.O.N. Rome, Italy (ac­cre­di­ta­ti­on for Os­teo­paths, Nur­ses, Psy­cho­lo­gist and Me­di­cal Doc­tors: 34573).
  • Ear­th­qua­ke Trau­ma Re­lief Work with Body-Ori­en­ted The­ra­py Methods in San­tia­go, Chile
    July 2010 in EABP Newslet­ter, Sum­mer 2010, Ams­ter­dam, Hol­land 2010. (in Eng­lish and Spa­nish)
  • Die psy­cho­so­ma­ti­sche Ein­heit des Men­schen - Eine Fall­stu­die
    in Der Freie Arzt. Hamm, Ger­ma­ny, 2009.
  • Fall­stu­die der Core Evo­lu­ti­on: Der schi­zoi­de Pro­zess;
    in Hand­buch der Kör­perpsy­cho­the­ra­pie, Schat­tau­er. Ber­lin, 2006.